Bluebox Integration is a trading style of the business alliance between:
Black Sheep Business Communications Ltd – Company Registered in England & Wales No: 5814504 VAT No: 884 0769 83

Bluebox Communications Ltd – Company Registered in England & Wales No: 4737035 VAT No: 815 9409 14

All communication services are supplied and invoiced by Black Sheep Business Communications Ltd and your contract will be with Black Sheep Business Communications Ltd. The terms and conditions under which we supply such services can be found below:-

Master Terms And Conditions (Plus Notes)
Dispute Resolution Appendix to the Master T and C’s
Usage Policy Appendix to the Master T and C’s

Terms and Conditions relating to specific services we supply:-

3CX Addendum
FTTC and FTTP Addendum
Leased Line Addendum
Mobile Services Addendum
VoIP Services Addendum