You might hold the secret to data security in your finger

You might hold the secret to data security in your finger

You might hold the secret to data security in your finger

We all know how important it is to keep our data safe, whether it’s our business secrets or just personal info. Passwords used to be the number one way to keep things under wraps.

But are they still cutting it today?

According to a recent report, it seems many people are sticking to their guns when it comes to passwords, with only a small fraction opting for biometrics like fingerprints. But why the hesitation? It seems like everyone’s got data privacy and security on their minds, and that’s totally fair.

So, what exactly are biometrics, and why should we consider them as a more secure alternative to passwords?

Biometrics are all about using your unique physical or behavioural traits – like your fingerprints, face, or even your eye scan – to prove it’s really you. Unlike passwords, which can be forgotten, stolen, or cracked, biometrics bring a whole new level of security to the table.

Sure, there’s still some worry about biometric data getting into the wrong hands. But don’t worry too much. It’s rare and takes a lot of effort and know-how.

Biometrics are still a solid weapon in the fight against cyber threats. They’re not only harder to copy than passwords but also offer unparalleled convenience. No more struggling to remember a jumbled mess of letters and numbers… just a quick scan of your fingerprint or face, and you’re good to go.

But what if you’re not sold on biometrics just yet?

There’s an alternative: Passkeys.

These clever authentication methods offer another option to the old-school password. Passkeys use special codes unique to each person and are tough to phish (that’s when someone tries to trick you into giving away your login credentials).

By mixing biometrics with passkeys, you can make a big enhancement to your business’s security without making your staff’s lives harder (in fact most people find biometrics and passkeys easier).

Passwords may have served us well in the past, but it’s time to embrace new, safer methods of authentication. Need a hand implementing biometrics or passkeys? We can help – get in touch.


Say goodbye to video call pop-ups (and Teams meeting blushes)

Say goodbye to video call pop-ups (and Teams meeting blushes)

Picture this: You’re on an important video call with a client, confidently presenting your latest project updates.

Suddenly, a notification pops up on your screen from your significant other, reminding you (not so discreetly) about the damage your child did during their temper tantrum this morning. Or worse, a message from your gym reminding you of your long absence.

Embarrassing, right?

We all know the struggle of trying to maintain professionalism during video calls while secretly battling the fear of embarrassing pop-ups stealing the show. But Microsoft is on it. They’re reportedly working on a much-needed feature that could save us all from these cringeworthy moments.

Imagine being able to hide specific apps entirely while you’re on a Teams call. No more worrying about intrusive notifications stealing your thunder. This means you can say goodbye to awkward interruptions from messaging apps, or reminders that you’d rather keep private.

How does it work? According to reports, Microsoft’s new feature won’t just minimise apps to the taskbar like the current workaround. Instead, it’ll completely hide them from sight, sparing you from any unexpected surprises (and blushes).

And the best part? It’s not just about saving face. This feature could also help boost your device’s performance. By keeping those apps in the background, you free up valuable computing power and resources.

If you’ve ever found yourself frantically closing apps and browser windows to ensure a smooth video stream, this could be the end of that struggle. With the new feature, you can focus on what truly matters during your calls without worrying about technical hiccups or embarrassing distractions.

While we’re excited about the potential of this new feature, we’ll have to wait and see if it becomes a reality. We’ll be keeping a close eye on the official Microsoft 365 roadmap for any updates and will keep you informed.

In the meantime, if we can help make your business’s video calls run more smoothly, get in touch.


The secrets to make your laptop battery live longer

The secrets to make your laptop battery live longer

Could you imagine what it must have been like doing business 30 years ago, before you had a decent laptop?

It’s a horrible thought. And one that you only need to consider now and then, when you have an hour’s worth of work to do… but only 30 mins left on your laptop battery. Nightmare.

No one wants to be caught in the dreaded low battery limbo during a crucial meeting or presentation. But with a little know-how, you can extend your laptop battery’s lifespan and keep it running optimally for years to come.

Understanding your battery is key. Most laptops today rely on lithium-ion batteries, which have a finite number of charge cycles. A charge cycle equals a full discharge from 0% to 100%, and each cycle diminishes the battery’s capacity.

The golden rule? Avoid full discharges whenever possible… which means, don’t let the battery run out completely.

Let’s dive into your laptop’s power settings to customise your battery preferences. Hibernation mode is your friend – it kicks in before your battery hits rock bottom. And don’t forget to activate Battery Saver mode, a godsend for preserving power when your battery is running on fumes.

Next, it’s time to declutter. Close background apps and say goodbye to unnecessary power drains. Toggle off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when they’re not in use and dim screen brightness to conserve energy.

But what about charging etiquette? Contrary to popular belief, keeping your laptop plugged in won’t harm your battery – modern devices are smarter than you think. Just steer clear of extreme temperatures and never let your battery dip below 20% if you can help it.

When it comes to storing your laptop for a little longer than usual, put it away with around 50% charge. And if you’re ever in doubt, some battery apps offer real-time insights into your battery’s health.

Lastly, stay on top of software updates. New patches and upgrades can optimise performance and minimise energy consumption, giving your battery a new lease of life.

We help businesses round here get the most from their devices for as long as possible. If we can do the same for you, get in touch.

1 in 4 people struggle with password overload. Here’s the answer

1 in 4 people struggle with password overload. Here’s the answer

Are you tired of juggling a multitude of passwords like a circus act? You’re not alone. According to a recent report, around 1 in 4 of us feel the same. But it’s not just the sheer number of passwords that’s causing headaches – it’s the security risks they pose.

Let’s face it, when it comes to setting passwords, most people aren’t cyber security experts. From weak and easily guessable passwords to the cardinal sin of reusing passwords across multiple accounts, human error is everywhere.

Another study revealed that, on average, people use the same password for five different accounts. And don’t get us started on classics like ‘123456’… used on a mind-boggling 23 million breached accounts.

But here’s the thing: Cyber criminals don’t need any extra help. They’re already pros at cracking passwords, and our lax habits are like an open invitation to wreak havoc. And let’s not forget the staggering stats – a projected $434 billion (£347 billion) loss to online payment fraud globally between 2024 and 2027, with 90% of data leaks attributed to stolen login details.

So, what’s the solution?

Password managers.

These are essential software tools that take the hassle out of password management by generating and storing complex, unique passwords for each account. No more ‘123456’ disasters. Just robust security.

And the best part? Password managers not only beef up your security defences but they also streamline your digital life. With one-click logins and autofill features, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without one. And with the right password manager, you can rest easy knowing your sensitive data is under lock and key.

A password manager makes your life easier and business safer at the same time. Want to know which one we recommend? Get in touch.

Cyber security training once a year isn’t working

Cyber security training once a year isn’t working

Cyber security training once a year isn’t working

We all know how important it is to keep our people up-to-date on the latest cyber threats. After all, with cyber attacks on the rise, staying one step ahead is crucial to protect your business from potential breaches.

But here’s the thing – annual cyber security training just isn’t cutting it anymore.

Sure, it’s become a routine part of the calendar for many organisations. And it’s great that it’s happening at all. But ask any security leader, and they’ll tell you… employees find it time-consuming and uninspiring. From clicking through slides to skimming through videos at double-speed, it’s usually seen as just another box to tick.

And let’s be honest, even for those who do engage with the training, there’s little evidence it leads to real behaviour change.

That’s because the traditional approach lacks interactivity and doesn’t connect with employees on a personal level. It’s more about ticking boxes than building a culture of cyber security vigilance.

Guess what? There’s a better way. It’s all about small, regular, human-centric interventions. Think of it like the speed signs you see when you’re driving. They remind people to stop and think before they engage in risky behaviour. Just as the signs work for driving, this kind of training makes your employees more aware of what they’re clicking.

By nudging employees toward safer decisions in real-time, we can help them develop better cyber hygiene habits without overwhelming them with information overload. It’s about empowering them to make smarter choices every day.

And with the amount of Generative AI and third-party tools we’re surrounded with right now, it’s more important than ever to give employees the guidance they need to navigate potential risks. Whether it’s through real-time coaching or policy reminders, we can help employees understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive data.

So, while there may be a place for annual training, it’s time to think about using a more proactive approach to cyber security education.

This is something we can help you with. If you want to learn more, get in touch.